This week, we're raising $1,250,000 to help support BYAM's education based on academic excellence, Torah values and community.
Let's rise up to the occasion together!
Select or enter any amount:
Alan Silverberg
For the recovery of Tzivia bas Suzie
→via Yitzi and Ilana Riselsheimer
Yosef Friedler
→via Shmuli and Batsheva Katz
Anonymous Donor
→via Friends of BYAM
Daniel & Tzippy Hyman
In honor of Gila and Eli lazar
→via Eli and Gila Lazar
In memory of All the fallen soldiers of Eretz Yisrael
→via Dov and Sarah Schreiber
Navah Maynard
→via Yehudah and Miriam Yaffe
Yitzchok Kamenetsky
→via Shmuely and Adina Selmar
Elan and Chaya Schnitzer
→via Meir and Leah Lieberstein
In memory of PDM
→via Moshe and Batya Shimoni
→via Mosey and Shira Kaplan
→via Menachem and Adina Neumann
Yoel Rosenberg
Zippy Fodiman
Elie and bracha Filler
→via Yosef and Ayala Skolnick
Joel & Suri Stern Stern
Sima And Siblings Szafranski
→via Ari and Miriam Szafranski
Elliot Rothman
Shlomo and Samantha Kaplan
In memory of Adela Rosenthal and Dora Weinkranz
Yehuda Freilich
In memory of Yaakov Levi ben Asher Mayer and Avraham ben Yaakov levi
→via Mimi Miller
Reuben & Helen Agadi
→via Moishy and Atara Bonrouhi
Shmuly and Chevy Mueller
→via Binyamin and Shoshana Aranowicz
Ronen Agadi
In honor of Ahuva Agadi!
→via Yochi and Terry Sabri
Aron D Fried
In honor of Yitzi the best speech therapist in the world
→via Yitzi and Chana Mindy Lebovits
In honor of Yitzy Weider
→via Yitzchak and Tali Wieder
In memory of Devorah leah Bas R' Yeshaya dovid
→via Yoseph and Chaya Kayla Storch
Yitzy Katz
→via Chaim and Eppy Lippel
Uri Brill
David Zelman
→via Eli and Rivky Lutz
In honor of Binyamin our teacher at Hasc
Barbara Freedman
In memory of Chana bat Yosef Beryl v'Sara Yenta
→via Shaya and Chana Gottlieb
Zachary Weinstock
In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Kalaie and family
→via Moshe and Dalit Kalaie
David Scharf
Shlomo Pfeiffer
In honor of Rabbi Moish Bender A TRUE Klal Yisroel yid.
→via Elchanan and Eliana Shajnfeld
Akiva & Rachy Weber
Judy Ribner
In honor of Rabbi Neuman
Yoseph Arguera
→via Meyer and Peshy Singer
In honor of Debbie Firestone
→via Debbie Firestone
Avichai Goykadosh
Emunah H.
In honor of this wonderful institution
→via Yisroel and Toby Finkelman
Sylvia Fishman
For the recovery of Mrs. Sandra and Mr. Ralph Reissman
→via Yirmiyahu and Chana Reissman
Chaya Myski
→via Beryl and Sarah Trachtenberg
Annette Szafranski
In honor of Ari and Miriam Szafranski
Shragi Mandel
In honor of My parents and my siblings and Ateres miriam
Stuart Davis
Yehonatan & Sarah Drory
→via David and Aviva Rubin
In honor of Our dear friends the Chaftez
→via Yisroel and Adina Chafetz
Manes & Sharna Tennenbaum
In honor of Leah's bas mitzvah
Yaakov Friedman
In honor of Reb Yitzi Shlit"a
→via Yitzi and Malka Green
Shmuel Lichtenstein
In honor of Burry and Tamar- two special individuals!
→via Baruch and Tamar Moskowitz
→via Yehudis Werner
In honor of Lauren Gluck
In honor of Rabbi Neuman, for all you invested in us in BYQ and in the girls at BYAM
→via Shmuel and Avigaiel Heifetz
Dovid & Anita Fuld
→via Moshe and Leah Schreiber
Hudy Blobstein
→via Shmuel and Miriam Blobstein
Oshra Raskas
→via Roi and Sarah Mayira Zehavi
Ari Ostreicher
For the recovery of Kressel bas Baila Tcharna
Benjamin Ganz
In honor of Moshe Greenspan
→via Moshe and Rena Greenspan
Aviva Donowitz
In honor of Shmuli and Batsheva Katz
Toby Walfish
In memory of Menachem Ben Avrohom Tzvi
→via Nechemia and Adina Hoch
→via Penina Glazer
Susan & Ephraim Weingarten
In honor of Mimi & Hudi Yaffe
Tova Larson
→via Dovid and Miriam Epstein
Joel Gluck
→via Dovid and Miriam Ringel
S Mannes
In honor of Adam and Mickey - the most amazing baalei chesed!
→via Avraham and Michal Mayer
In honor of R' Josh & Mrs. Garbarsky
→via Joshua and Rachel Garbarsky
Bassi Weiss
Yoni Abbott
→via Elazar and Elke Bronstein
Levi and Chava Goldman
In honor of David and Zahava Pfeffer
→via Dovid and Zahava Pfeffer
Esther Friedman
Sivan Chaimov
→via Hershy and Miriam Kirsh
Eliyohu Mintz
In honor of Yochanan and Atara Gordon
→via Yochanan and Atara Gordon
Mimi Gross
→via Rafi and Gitty Rothberger
Keren Simon
In honor of Aaron and Shevy Gropper
→via Aaron and Elisheva Gropper
Yomo Neumann
→via Moishe and Ahuva Schonfeld
Michael Goldberg
In honor of The Langer Family
→via Eli and Malkie Langer
In memory of Sharona Baila bas Yerachmiel
Chani Brukirer
→via Menachem and Devorah Borenstein
Yosef & Devori Engelson
Moshe Schonfeld
→via Aryeh and Simi Koegel
→via Menashe and Aviva Landau
→via Dovid and Ahuva Skolnick
→via Menashe and Naomi Friedman
Batya Travis
In honor of Rabbi and Rebbeztin Neuman
Yitzchok Aryeh Strimber
Moshe & Bryna Levitt
In honor of the incredible Shajnfeld family!
Liora Mandel
In honor of Ayala Skolnick
Yosef and Shifra Lanzkron
→via Hersh Family
Shai Carmel
In honor of Josh & Rachel Garbarsky
Nussy Rosenberg
In honor of Rachel from the entire Empeon family! 💙
→via Shuie and Rachel Benjamin
Shimi Ehrentreu
Abe Friedman
In honor of Reb Dave
Yosef Sassoon
→via Michael and Rachel Fachlaev
Uncle Sruly And Aunt Tzivi Ausfresser
Rocky Stern
In honor of The best roomate
→via Tzvi and Chava Barax
Students of BYAM
In honor of The best Morah! Ella loved you :)
→via Yossi and Tzippy Vinegray
→via Binyamin and Mimi Goldman
Mittelman Family
In honor of Shloime and Yonina Kaufman
→via Shloime and Yonina Kaufman
Chana Leah Bitan
In honor of All of my incredible colleagues at BYAM!!
→via Aron and Chana Leah Bitan
Benny Babayev
Zchus Shidduch study Betzalel bn Leah
In honor of The one and only ... Morah Tzippy !
Adina Selmar
Yaakov Goldberg
Leah Weinstein
→via Shlomo and Batsheva Gordon
Yankele Ezagui
In honor of Baby Mendel
Fest Family
In memory of In memory of משה דוד בן הרב ירוחם
Michael Shultz
In honor of David Hersh
In memory of Zvi Yosef Ben shmuel binyomin
→via Pinchas and Mindy Rekant
Dina Sheinkopf
$10,000 with Matchers
jacob ross
$200 with Matchers
$140 with Matchers
Avigayil And Yael Jarciag
In honor of The amazing Byam staff
$108 with Matchers
Sarah And Neil Torczyner
In honor of All the amazing people that work at BYAM
$10 with Matchers
Yoseph And Chaya Kayla Storch
In honor of Rikki and Esther storch!
$2,000 with Matchers
Dovid Ostreicher
David Trepp
In honor of BYAM!!!
Shayna Lasry
$360 with Matchers
Abe & Tamar Lazar
Gavriel And Tzipora Kadish
For the recovery of Chana bas Frimit
→via Yossi and Samantha Wiseman
$66 with Matchers
In honor of Yossi & Shana!
→via Yossi and Shana Katz
$3,600 with Matchers
In honor of The Most Amazing, Spectacular, Wonderful, Special, Magnificent, Selfless, Heartwarming, Caring Family!!!!
$20 with Matchers
$50 with Matchers
→via Yaakov and Fayga Silverberg
$26 with Matchers
Esti Barax
In honor of Morah Messner and Ms Garrel for being the best teachers ever!
$36 with Matchers
Daphna Zwickler
In memory of Yoel Baruch Ben Shmuel Avraham and Binyamin Pinchas Ben Yoel Baruch.
→via Nossi and Mati Lieberman
In honor of Best Morahs ever!!
Ramy & Esther Agadi
In honor of Rabbi Neuman and Mrs. Zytman
Blimie & Yoni Huppert
$104 with Matchers
Rachelle Mezrahi
$720 with Matchers
Benjamin Levine
$520 with Matchers
→via Pacy and Rivki Horowitz
$1,000 with Matchers
Daniel & Rivki Norman
In honor of Tzvi, Chava and the girls
S k
Leah And Gedaliah Wielgus
$144 with Matchers
Eli Zlotowitz
$72 with Matchers
Laishky Barax
In honor of Rabbi Neuman and Mrs Zytman for giving me 9 fantastic years in BYAM!
$400 with Matchers
For the recovery of Boruch Ben Sara Leah
Im Not Anonymous
And I won't see you tomorrow.
Matan Rottenberg
Gerald and Elaine Sacks
For the recovery of Daniel Zev Ben Ayelet Esther
Bonnie Septimus
Chanie Bornstein
$1,142 with Matchers
In honor of Rabbi Newman endless devotion and dedication
→via Chaim Yakov and Pearl Malka Hirsch
Rivka Lock
$100 with Matchers
MZ & Tobi Dicker
→via Dovid and Shira Efroymson
$1,800 with Matchers
In Honor of a close Friend Shmuli Katz for stepping up and helping this organization
In Honor of a close Friend Dr Eli Lutz for stepping up and helping this organization
Moshe And Avigail Wise
In honor of Menachem and Yocheved!
→via Menachem and Yocheved Wise
Zalmen Drizin
In honor of The Horowitzs:)
Amy Zide
In honor of Mini Goldman
$4,000 with Matchers
David Pfeffer
Aviva Peppard
In honor of Adam and Mickey who do so much for others always
In honor of My sis and bil: Leah and Izmo #powercouple
→via Yisroel Moshe and Leah Rosenzweig
Allen Schwartz
In memory of Harav Yehuda Leib Ben Bayla
BZ And Bayla Barkany
In memory of Shoshana Tova Bas Reb Elchonon
$6,000 with Matchers
→via Chaim and Sarah Akilov
Diana Levi
In honor of Of our Hostages
→via Netanel and Rivky Gordon
Yanky Davidowitz
In honor of Dov Goldman
→via Dov and Rachel Goldman
→via Meir and Reva Yaffe
Elchonon Spira
C Perl
In honor of Rabbi Bender
Deena Max
In honor of The incredibly dedicated staff at BYAM continued Hatzlacha!!!
Robert Feiner
In honor of the Skolnick children
$202 with Matchers
Moishe Gold
Eli Langer
Ari and Devora Schwartz
For the recovery of Refoel Reuven Ben Shira Hadassah
→via Baruch and Malka Polatoff
$52 with Matchers
Deena Rosenbaum
In honor of GO MALKA!! YOU GOT THIS 💪
→via Yisroel and Malka Wolfson
$370 with Matchers
$1,080 with Matchers
Alex Aronowicz
In honor of My nieces Adina Liba and Meira Mina
$1,200 with Matchers
moshe posner
Shmuli And Mindy Jaroslawicz
In honor of The wiseman family
Menucha Yaffe
In honor of My good friend Esther Storch! :)
Eli Liss
In honor of All the students, staff, and parent body of BYAM, especially Dovid Hirsch
In honor of Leah's Bas Mitzvah!!!!
Roxanne Zhilo
In honor of Dovid Hersh and his Daughter
Nechemia And Adina Hoch
In memory of Our dear mothers Faiga Rachel bas Pinchas Aryeh and Shoshana Tova bas Elchonon
Dovid Noach and Miri Selevan
In honor of The Jarcaig Family
→via Dovid and Tzippy Jarcaig
Yaakov Shain
In honor of Yaakov Shain! An amazing person! Thank you for all the wonderful things you do for Klal Yisroel!! (And for Dovid R)
Rosette Reisman
In honor of The success happiness health and parnassa of our family and peace for all of klal Yisrael
In memory of Tuvia Yoel Ben HaRav Moshe Yehuda a"h and Chaya Fejgel bas HaRav Boruch a"h
Shaindy Clenman
Mel Zachter
→via Yehuda Zachter
Chaviva Fischer
Yechiel and Shira Niman
$80 with Matchers
Dovid Moeller
In honor of Dovid Hersh
Binyomin and Shira Swerdlik
In honor of Magnum
Mitch And Lisa Ackerman
For the recovery of Hatinok Ben Rina Sara
David Epstein
In honor of David Epstein, a true friend
Chaim Karas
In honor of Sara Schneirer A"H
Arye Klein
Aryeh & Simi Koegel
In honor of the amazing teachers!
Ari K
In honor of Pori and Adira
$386 with Matchers
Sharp Energy
In honor of Menachem & Adina
$164 with Matchers
In honor of Benyen my leaning partner
Aaron Schultz
$662 with Matchers
Shaindy Neuman
Uncle Naftali and tanta shaindy Team Meira
Anthonia Okafor
A Lakewood Admirer
→via Solomon and Atara Cohen
Jordana Hirschel
Judah Hyman
Sarah Goldstein
Elana Vogel
$7,200 with Matchers
In honor of Rabb Neuman
Pamela Schwartz
Miriam Kolodny
In memory of Chaim Tuvia ben Yosef
Malka Wolfson
In honor of Morah chaya kayla!!! Best morah!
Simi And David Greenbaum
In memory of Tzvi Weiss
In honor of Josef
Chani And Ben Czeladnicki
Chaya Hikind
→via Yoni and Sarah Ditchek
Dr Stewart Kalatsky
In honor of Nathaniel Gordon!
Meira Kramer
Ariela Hefter
In honor of Morah Chaya Kayla!!
Dovid and Shira Efroymson
In honor of Morah Chaya Kayla!
A Few Cookies!
In honor of Chaim nochum, my number 1 fan!!
Yael Garbacz
In honor of Adina Hoch who's positive energy knows no bounds❤️❤️
Elchanan And Eliana Shajnfeld
In honor of Morah Chaya Kayla! Thank you!!!
Ellie & Esther Katz
In Honor of Our Amazing Neighbors!
In honor of our amazing neighbors and friends!
Yoel Zagelbaum
$8,642 with Matchers
Yoni Kirschner
Baruch And Malka Aliza Polatoff
In honor of Our girls Morahs. Thank you for all of your amazing work!!!!
The Gvir
Chaviva Hajioff
$60 with Matchers
Riva Charnowitz
Halona Gropper
In honor of Avigayil Gropper
$800 with Matchers
Rivka and Addi Berard
Peretz Wolowik
Netanel Gordon
In honor of Our daughter Chedva Gordon!
Shimon Katz
In honor of David my best friend....
Moshe and Dalit Kalaie
In honor of The tireless board members who made this into a reality
Malkiel Hefter
In honor of Michal Hefter
→via Shaya and Ariela Hefter
$2 with Matchers
In honor of Shmuli and Batsheva
Chaim F
Yoel And Talya Vernon
In honor of Our sister and brother-in-law
M Gold
In honor of Dovid... a true friend!
Yussie And Rochelle Miller
→via Shai and Esty Kruger
$180 with Matchers
Yehudah and Miriam Serle
Ira & Miriam Parness
In honor of Eliana Shajnfeld's amazing family
Mutty and Chaya Leah Lebovits
In honor of The wonderful Yaffe family
Dovid Berney
Eliezer Meyer
In honor of My dear friend Mr. Shuey Benjamin and Family!!!
Jacob Oshry
In honor of David Ringel
Dovid Simon
In honor of Rivki Horowitz
Yehudah & Layah Goldish
In memory of Leeba Yehudis bas Menachem Mendel, A"H
In honor of Piny Katz and family
Hatzlacha, bezH!
Isaac Klein
In honor of The hardest working Auxiliary Police Officer
In honor of Dovid Ringel
Riva and Eran Ratner
In honor of The Barax family! Keep up your great work for the community!
Laura Bogdan
Elliot Horowitz
$236 with Matchers
Susan Gelbman
→via Melech and Hadassah Mann
Yaakov Milstein
For sweet Elisheva
→via Shoshana Gurwitz
Yoni Kaye
In honor of Yitzy and Tali Weider
Chani Pollak
In honor of My beloved student Chava
Nick and Tzila Sabo
Ethan Dreifus
In honor of the Gropper family
Joel Gaida
Rivky Keilson
Yossi Emanuel
In honor of All the INCREDIBLE teachers of BYAM who come into school every day with so much positive energy and give the girls so much love and care!
Mendy Kirsh
Dena Rhodes
In memory of Dovid noach
Debi and Moshe Leib Rosenberg
In honor of Keevy and Deena Fried
→via Keevy and Deena Fried
Chaim B & Rivka Shenker
Akiva & Batsheva Bomzer
In honor of Sori and Shevy Kaufman!
→via Binyomin and Adi Gallis
Netanel and Aliza Fenichel
In memory of Moshe Avraham Ben R Shimon
Fayge Weiser
Chaim Rand
Chaim Mitnizki (SafeZone24)
Temimah Stern
For the recovery of Bluma chantza bat Leah
In honor of Batsheva Esther Stern
→via Tsafrir and Hila Stern
Chatz Katz
In honor of The crunch chili recipe
$240 with Matchers
In Honor Of Rachelli Wise
$1,248 with Matchers
Eli Lazar
In honor of our amazing daughters
Mendel Wertheimer
Yosef And Vivi Moskowitz
For the shmira of Yisroel Nachum Ben Chana
Shira Pomrantz
Yosef And Vivi Moskowitz Moskowitz
Leah Chana Twersky
In memory of זאב בן דוד טעביל הכבן
$160 with Matchers
Nelsie Dubois
Alisha Danziger
→via Avraham and Brana Harris
Yoni Bouskila
In the zechus to free the hostages and protect the soldiers
Cheskie and Shoshana Rand
In honor of rifky and natanel & of course Chedva
Vicky Lyon
$250 with Matchers
Gavi Wilcox
Abraham Schreiber
In honor of Efrat schreiber
Zvi Finkel
Avi and Ilana Keilson
In honor of Morah Miri Keilson
Lolly Jozefovic
Yaakov & Ahuva Rosenthal
Rachel Trachtenberg
Hilla Kozuch
In honor of Matan Moshe Yisrael Ben Merav
$64 with Matchers
Rebecca- $25 Girls-$7
Yael Gordon
In honor of Our grandchildren, Rachelli,Aliza,Chedva,Tziporah and Sary who go to this amazing Bais Yaakov!
Rivka Yablonsky
Moshe And Batya Shimoni
In honor of Our Precious girls - Ahuva, Malka and Avigail who always make us proud with their beautiful middot and academic achievements. A big thank you to R Neuman and the wonderful Morahs for working tirelessly to ensure a bright future for BYAM family
Judah Hulkower
Briendy Robinson
Jonathan Schattner
Benjamin Wolfson
$500 with Matchers
MZ Charitable Trust
Matisyahu & Chavie Cohen
In honor of Leah. And also BYAM's yard where my boys sometimes play.
For the recovery of בצלאל אברהם בן סילקא
David Gluck
Michael Kaffash
In honor of Big brother Eric
Heather Scheiner
Chanie Berman
Adam Lipke
In honor of Binyamin, thanks for doing my laundry!!
Moshe and Judy Susman
Tari and Daniel Greenfield (Allswang)
Joseph Klein
Keep it going David!
Yoli Feder
Abraham Bondar
In memory of Ruby Bondar
→via Yoni and Serena Kahana
$300 with Matchers
Dov Goldman
In honor of Menashe Friedman
Fordsham Family
In honor of The Chaifetz and Rothberger families
Jack and Sheina Gindi
→via Yoni and Devorah Sokol
Srulie Rosenberg
In honor of Yossi katz
David and Debbie Waltuch
In honor of Tzivia Milner
In honor of Binyamin Aranowicz
Baruch And Michal Aryeh
In honor of Rabbi Newman
Aliza Bokow
Zvi & Nechama Katz
In honor of Shmuli and Batsheva, we are in awe of all you accomplish, you give us true nachas. Mommy and Daddy
Kayla Weiss
Dena Gerber
Yumi Schonbrun
In memory of Liluy nishmas Naftali Matisyahu ben Dovid Yosef and for the amazing Rabbi newman!
Jeffrey & Cheryl Fried
For the recovery of Tova bas etil
Jenna and Lev Beltser
In honor of The Mayers!
Benny and Miri Kotler
In honor of THe Amazing Storches of Far Rockaway!!!!!!
Borech Ariel
Ephraim Green
Jennifer Livak
In honor of Malka and Sruly Wolfson
Mordy Perkowski
In honor of The REAL Mordy
Moishe And Devoiry Moskovits
Benjamin Ungar
In honor of HANC
Eitan Adams
David & Gila H
In honor of Mr and Mrs Bronstein
$150 with Matchers
Peri Kushnir
Kelly Frenkel
Yossie And Chanie Lebovits
In honor of Yitzi and Chana Mindy lebovits
In honor of Thank you Reb Yehuda and Chana Baila Orlansky!
Moishy And Atara Bonrouhi
With thanks to everyone who keeps our school running!!
Eli And Judy Greenfield
For the recovery of All the cholim of klal yisrael
Teddy Ditchek
In honor of Yoni & Sarah Ditchek
David And Rachel Drory
Yisrael & Yaya Hoffmann
$246 with Matchers
Nathan Samuel
In memory of Yechiel Michel Ben Mordechai
Jason Picker
In memory of Those who lost their life on Oct 7 and fighting for Israel thereafter
Menachem B. And Faigy Friedman
In honor of Menashe and Naomi
For the recovery of Yocheved Chana Bas Bina
In memory of Yerachmiel ben harav moshe
In honor of Eli & Gila Lazar
In honor of Aronowicz Family dedication to the Morahs!
$22 with Matchers
In honor of The Epsteins
In honor of the Vinegrays and their Challah covers!!! ;-)
In honor of Eliana Shajnfeld
In honor of our incredible neighbors!
Raizel Kahn
For the recovery of Raphael Meir Ben sima chasha
Jay H Goldberg
Chani Friedmann
→via Lazer and Avigail Weiss
arye leib Martinson/romanenko
$14 with Matchers
$40 with Matchers
Devorah Wolf
For the recovery of Ouriel Ben Tzipora
Faigy Sova
In memory of Yosef Ben Yaakov tzvi
Meira (Devor) Roth
In honor of the most amazing schoo!
Yitz And Rusi Krasnow
For the recovery of Yosefa aidel bas Chava Esther
For the recovery of Batya bas Roza
David Herzka
Leah Lieberstein
In memory of Tova tziporah bas yisroel
Michael Buckstein
Shaina Pollak
In honor of Tova Skolnick and her wonderful family💕
In honor of The incredible BYAM teachers!
In honor of Incredible BYAM teachers and students
Moishe Waxman
In honor of R' Aronowitz
Debby Yeger
→via Zalmy and Chanie Treitel
Efrat Derdik
Tzvi "The Man" Koegel
In honor of Anyone who needs a shidduch 🤞🤞🤞🤞
Shoshana Salzberg
In honor of All the dedicated staff at BYAM
$452 with Matchers
Danielle & Josh Wyner
In honor of Ayelet Wyner & her amazing parents and siblings!
→via David and Miriam Wyner
In memory of Rebbetzin Leona Bomzer (Leba Bas Moshe Eliezer)
Mimi Miller
In honor of Chava who is a source of inspiration for all! Love your smile and laugh that's so contagious!
In honor of My special friend Tzippy who knows how to get me to laugh from my kishkas and who I will miss dearly 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Moshe Reich
In honor of Adina who cares so much about our school and whose actions matches her big heart ❤️
Binyomin Fischman
In honor of Rabbi Newman & Mrs Zytman
In honor of Freeing all hostages in Gaza and agunos around the world
Leah Lebovits
Bryna Kaplan
In honor of Mosey and Shira Kaplan
$18 with Matchers
In honor of Gila and Eli Lazar
For the recovery of Eliyahu ben Sara
Chani Moskowitz
In honor of Adina, a mom who will do whatever it takes. Sink or swim...
→via Joshua Israel and Rivka Leyton
Binyamin and Basi Blumberg
Devorah Leah Stern
Avrohom Colev and Chaya Posen
Sara Fordsham
In honor of Chana Miller and Morah Raizy Werner
Shayna Nodel
In honor of Our chayalim and hostages safe return
Aviva Farkas
In honor of The Selmar girls
Abraham/Ellen Orzel
Aviva Rubin
In honor of Mimi Miller and the entire Dance it Out with Mimi team !
Chani Hyman
Meira Goldstein
In honor of Reenie and the whole family!
Dina Friedman
In honor of Rikki and Cheryl Gitty!
Shloime Eisner
In memory of Moshe Yaakov Ben Matisyahu Sholom a"h
→via Moshe and Judith Lachman
$600 with Matchers
In memory of tzvi Yaakov ben pesach Yehuda zt"l shraga feival ben Menachem zt"l
Moshe & Rivkie
Shaya and Chana Gottlieb
In memory of Chana bas Baruch on her upcoming yahrzeit
Jacob Rabi
Chavie Pheibush
In honor of Adina!!
Abe Singer
Stacey Zrihen
In honor of Ayala firestone and Chana miller
Binyamin Aronowicz
In honor of Special offer of ten donators of $20 and above
Rebecca Levin
Eliezer Guterman
Slime Time
In honor of Ariella
Itiya Khunovich
Moshe And Rikki Feldman
Shahin Naim
Channi Feuer
In honor of the Selmars!
Sori Gade
Tovi Herskovits
In honor of Morah/bobby Deenie machatenesta/mil for our shared granddaughters. May Hashem give you the koach to keep smiling and giving.
Hindy Weinreb
In memory of Boruch Yaakov Ben Yosef Shlomo
→via Chaim Shlomo and Hindy Weinreb
Shoshana Gable
In honor of Adina and her awesome daughters!!!
Yoel and Rochel Kramer
In honor of Morah Rachelle Messner
Aliza Berenstein
Rabbi And Mrs Avrohom Berenstein
Yosef Galen
Shira Teichman
Samuel Abrahamson
Yisroel and Sara Levy
In honor of Shaya and Chana Gottlieb
Debra Mandel
Tova Bollag
In honor of amazing parent raising amazing girls!
Michael Walfish
Racheli Kasirer
In honor of As a zechus for Klal Yisroel!
$440 with Matchers
Miriam Schreiber
In honor of Morah wieder from halb
Raquel Greenstein
In honor of Tinuk Ben Rachel Malka
$138 with Matchers
Albert Liff
The best ex neighbors
Jacob Weber
Talya Kohn
Reuven And Tamar Lowenthal
→via Yehuda and Esti Katz
Adina Banayan
Leah Banda
Kenneth Mayer
→via Yitzie and Ruchie Isaacs
Shea Rosenfeld
In honor of Menashe and Aviva Landau
Daniel Fleisher
Yedidyah Lazar
Leah And Moishe Schreiber
In honor of the awesome parents of BYAM and for the quick release of our hostages byad chazaka and with nisim gedolim
Zvi Goldenberg
$252 with Matchers
In honor of Michael & Rachel Fachlaev
Ary & Deborah Choueke
In honor of Eliana & Elchanan Shajnfeld & our wonderful grandchildren
Aliza Shapiro
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs Greenspan
Eli Feldberger
IHO The Heiligeh R' Moshe and family
Joshua Canter
In memory of Yisroel Noach ben Yehoshua
Nate Samuels
→via Pinny and Tami Rosenbaum
Alan Rubin
In honor of Leah and Simmy Rubin
Ahuva Indig
Caroline Weinstein
For the recovery of Gittel zissel BAs Rachel
Hillel Geberer
$90 with Matchers
Chani And Yossi Silverstein
Yaffa Weiss
Erica and Reuven Weinstein
In honor of Meira Neumann
Elianna Samimi
In honor of The Barax Mishpacha- especially Laishky and Esti who are OBSESSED with their Morot!! Tizku LeMitzvot!! Keep doing INCREDIBLE things!!
Asher And Dina Plaut
For the recovery of Mordechai Dovid ben Raizel
Hershberg Family
Rivky Orlow
In honor of Mimi and Binyamin Goldman
Shalom And Mickey Katz
$1,600 with Matchers
→via Yair and Izabella Fazilov
Tzuriel Ross
Mordy Rosenberg
Vicki Hirth
Hudi & Basya Strickman
Miriam Gadbin
In honor of Our hostages and Chayalim. Stay strong. Am Yisroel Chai!
Harry Barax
In honor of Those community members who are matching donations
Batsheva Zians
In honor of Bashi and Bud Shawel
→via Moshe and Bashie Shawel
$48 with Matchers
Bracha Matayev
→via Nesanel and Danit Gantz
Hatzlacha Rabba!!
Yisroel Greenspan
In memory of אברהם שלמה בן שמואל פינחס
Eric & Elana Sternberg
In memory of שמואל משה הכהן בן שמשון אברהם ז"ל
Moishe & Aliza Klein
In honor of The Goldman gals who we love so much!!
Abba Cohen
In honor of my two girls who are learning in this school. Yael and Elana Bracha Cohen Much Hatzlacha!!
Rikki Mazlin
In honor of Libby Treitel
Shuey and Blima Krasnow
In memory of chana ahuva bas freidyl
Suri And Daniel Rozner
In honor of Mimi Goldman
In memory of Raphael Dov ben Eliezer Chaim
→via Eli and Sara Davidson
Elle Lieblich
$1,440 with Matchers
Bubbie Katz
In memory of Yosef Ben Yisroel alter hacohen
Moriah Weiss
Avigail Weiss
Chaviva Skolnik
Temima Levine
In honor of All the hostages
Raizy Langsner
In honor of The best aunt ever!
In honor of Mimi the best boss!
Harry Pfeffer
Bashie Shawel
Yosef & Avigail Jacobs
In honor of Shmuli and Simi!!!
In honor of Tova, Rina and Ora
Bat Man
Moshe Schulman
Sarah Schwartz
In honor of Elke Bronstein
Because Mimi miller is the best!!!
Shira Cohen
Yehudis Jacobs
Barbara Reinman
Adriane Drory
In honor of Leah and Simi Rubin
In honor of Morah Lieberstein and M4M
Aviva & Dovid Gerstel
In honor of Mrs Barax. A special mechaneches and person
Sholom Cohen
In honor of Michael and Leah Lieberstein
→via Moshe and Danielle Karsh
Moishe Katz
Nesanel Spitzer
Alexander Scharf
Eli & Laya Greengart
In honor of Mishpachas Greenspan
Michal And Aaron Gorin
In honor of Adina and Shmuley Selmar
PD Roth
Jeffrey A Halpert
Isaac Braun
In honor of The holy Hirsh's on behalf of Jaime and Isaac Klein
Tziporah Kaye
In honor of Paniniiii
Tehila Lipschutz
United Uniforms
Etty Friedman
Rafi & Gitty Rothberger
Nisson Hirscg
David Weiss
Richard Weiss
In honor of Leah Rubin
Melvin & Annie Rothberger
Tzipora Kahan
Chana Baila And Yisroel Hass
In honor of Menachem and yocheved wise
Gitti Salb
In honor of Adina an inspiration to everyone who knows her!!!!
Dina Javaherian
In honor of The Mayer Family
Devorah Levinson
Yisroel & Bracha Kanar
Yehuda Yosef Hirsch
Aron Samowitz
Esther Chaifetz
Avrohom and Racheli Josefovic
Ira Chaimovits
Abie and Brendy Gottesman
Sarah Stauber
Goldie Parnes
Miriam Leah Frankel
Ester Buahnik
Yaakov Bess
In honor of Faye!
Jerry & Marilyn Stern
In memory of Harry Stern z'l whose 19th yahrzeit was gimel Adar Bet
Shifra and Meir Traube
Meir Kops
→via Joseph and Monique Gross
Sara Liba Tropper
Steven Rubin
Rivka Friedman
→via Moshe and Bracha Odes
Carol Shelby
→via Aryeh and Tziviah Mernick
In honor of Moshe and Leah Moshe and Leah Schreiber and the teachers of BYAM.
In honor of Leah's Bas Mitzvah
Yitzy Schmidt
Shoshana Aronowicz
In honor of Eliana for her dedication and persistence.
In honor of Baby Leah & Baby Simi Rubin
Bakin Moving
In honor of Yosef Skolnick
Zalmy Jungreis
Seam Books Inc
Meir and Abby Weinberg Weinberg
Reb Mosey is a poel nissim
Uri & Esther Kaufman
→via Lloyd Keilson
Elyahu Treitel
In honor of The amazing talmidos!
→via Elimelech and Atara Sperling
Epstein Capital Inc. Eli Epstein
Etty Rosen
In honor of Eliana
Yehuda and Yael Hecht
In honor of Binyamin's dedication to providing for the teachers of his children.
Mordy and Ahuva Epstein
Miri Slansky
→via Benjamin and Beth Korman
S & G Salb
Rochie Stein
Yehuda Hecht
→via Peretz and Malka Strickman
In memory of Dov Firestone
Mayer Gold
Shlomo & Malkie Noble
For the recovery of Sarah yocheved bas basha
Shabsi Lipschitz
Moshe & Mina
In memory of Shoshana Tova bas R' Elchanan
Yonason Musman
In honor of Adina being extra special and all your tremendous efforts running PTA and so much more for Ateres Miriam!
Tziviya Shimonov-kalendarev
In memory of Abraham Ben Yaakov Levi
Bayla Gross
In honor of My Hanhala & Teachers!
For the recovery of רפאל יצחק בן נטלי הדסה
Avi & Leah Rivka Karr
Yitzy and Bayla Schwartz
Moshe Kretchmer
→via Fredric and Sarah Greene
Yehuda Gelman
Avraham And Elana Jacobs
In honor of Tzvi and Chava and two amazing girls Leah Tehilla and Esti
Electric & Beyond
Continued nachas from all the girls
Dovid Hersh
Leiby and Miriam Zidele
Gitty G.
In memory of Chaim Yechezkel ben Yosef
Carol Chaya Miller
In memory of Avrami millerz'nl
Tzipora Schwartzberg
→via Chaya Sora Scheiner
In memory of Reuven Yosef ben Yehoshua & Yosef ben Tzodok Menachem
David Morgenstern
Tani And Gayil Goldbaum
Tehila Singer
→via Harvey and Etti Mermelstein
In honor of The indefatigable amazing Meir Kaplan Shlita
In memory of Yitzchak Tzvi ben Avraham
Alanna & Shmuel Davidson
In memory of Amy Savitzky
Chaim Zlotowitz
In honor of MYK
Malka Brody
In honor of all the brody girls
→via Moshe Aryeh and Nechama Brody
Israel Abelow
Joe Hochheiser
Jacob Dan
Yisroel Feldman
Y & R Mandel
Jana Fried
In honor of Deena & Keevy Fried - thank you for taking care of my kids!!!
Chana and Dovid Miller
In honor of Mommy's campaign
Mendy & Chaya Hecht
PPC ppc
m skolnick
Mattisyahu And Arella Blumenthal
Rivka Leyton
Menachem and Yehudis Engel
Moti Edelstein
Noami Fried
For the recovery of Abraham Yosef Ben Mattel Rechel
Moshe and Adina Abrahamson
In honor of Shani Riselsheimer
Kuti And Miri Roberg
In honor of Devorah Singer
Aviva Josefovic
Ellen Minaker
In honor of Hefter Family
Yitzy and Ronit Haber
Abraham Miram Munk
In honor of Rav Moshe Brody
Aron And Miriam Mandelbaum
Fay Josovitz
In honor of Reva and Meir Yaffe
Ita Siegel
In honor of All my morahs
→via Ron and Jennifer Siegel
Lauren Jerozolim
In honor of Adina Aronowicz
mordy edelman
Sol Dweck
Nostrand Friends of BYAM Monarch Minyan
In honor of 9th floor Minyan @ 2361 Nostrand Ave.
Oved And Michelle Lib
Elliot Moscowitz
In memory of Avrami Miller
Ari and Chana Rochel Derdik
Yehuda & Gila Spirn
Yisroel Meir Stern
In honor of The best Gross family ever!
Miriam Lowenthal
In honor of Esti and Yudi katz
Faigy Weiser
In honor of Chana
Chavi Stern
In honor of Adina Selmar and cute videos!
Aaron Kagan
In honor of Rabbi Neuman!
Esther Frank
Yaakov Rosenwasser
For the recovery of רוחמה דנה בת אביבה חיה
Shraga Zev Mandel
In honor of My parents
Shloimy Brecher
Esther Blau
BB and Suri Bender
In honor of Rivki for entertaining us this week and for taking awesome pics.
In honor of Rabbi Neuman & Mrs. Zytman
→via Chezky and Chani Moskowitz
Sara Davidson
In honor of Esti's parsha drawings
Penina Steinbruch
In honor of Leah Lieberstein
Chaya Hyman
Dvora Hersh
In honor of Eli and Rivky Lutz
Jacqueline Dimont
In honor of Mimi Miller
In memory of Liel Dina bas Efraim and Rus Elisheva bas Chaim Dovid
Daniel and Shira Kirshenbaum
Rivky Lutz
Yaakov Rosenthal
Miriam Silverman
Malka Sweet
Dini Spiegel
In honor of Elke Bronstein's excellent fundraising skills :-)
Shira and avi mo
Keep up the great work.
In honor of Binyamin an amazing teacher at HASC
Yitzy Kaplan
Yael Bokow
For the recovery of Ruchama Pessel Rivka b-s Perel Dena
Yossi And Voey Berger
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Neuman
Sara & Nathan Katz
Rebecca Matyas
Dovid Kranzer
Mark Rosen
Yitzi Rosen
For the recovery of yitzchok ben yehudis
Daniel Martin
For the recovery of Rochel bas Ilzah: Mrs. Rachel Martin
Yaakov Tokayer
Josh Shapiro
Baruch Moskowitz
Rella Eisenbach
Aleksandr Katsnelson
In memory of Yevgeniy Levin
In memory of Shlomo Mayer Ben Moshe Ephraim
Mendy Schuss
In honor of Morah Deenie (best mother & morah)
Rivkie Feiner
Adina Reich
Mitch Hill
Whitney Bachrach
Friday Boys High School Carpool
Mattisyohu Davidson
For Reb Yitzchok and his tireless efforts on behalf of K'lal Yisroel and the Kinder.
Aviva Aand Gershon Berkson
Wine tent Liquor
To the best Rabbi keep up the great work
Mark Klein
Moshe Laskin
Keep up the amazing work!!
Charles Gelfenstein
Norman Blinder
Dovid And Basi Frischman
Adina and Aryeh Samberg
Robert Slepoy
In memory of לעילוי נשמת שלמה משה בן אברהם אריה הלוי
→via Hudy and Adina Steinberg
Rachail Kaplan
In honor of devorah and leah finkelman
Jack Hirsch
Mindy Alter
In honor of Gitty and Rafi Rothberger
Rena Leibovic
Chaia Frishman
In honor of BFF!!!
Avi Niman
You go girl
Effy Wiseman
In honor of Uncle Meir who always gives me the best hugs
In honor of My favorite photographer who loves taking pictures of me and my siblings
Yaakov & Racheli (shmidman) Sharfman
In honor of The Nuemans!! For all their dedication to Bais Yaakov!!
Miriam Bacchus
Sora Ross
Miriam Lichtman
In honor of The Awesome Girls of BYAM
Aaron Panzok
In honor of Gurwitz
Simcha & Naomi Hirsch
Moshe and Chiennah Drillman
Yeshaya and Sarah Kraus
In memory of Avraham ben Yaakov Levi
Yechiel Exler
In honor of Adina liba Aronowitz
Menachem Levin
Debra Green
In honor of Leah Leiberstein
Shira And Malkiel Nadel
Moshe Smith
Tzvi Ratner-stauber
cash purim
shlomo feierman
eli lowy
donors fund check
ariel aber
Meir lewittes
David Aronowicz
In memory of Jesse and Mina Gertler
Dena Isaacs
In honor of Ben isaacs
Samuel Plutchok
In honor of Ariella Benjamin
Bradley Lipman
In honor of Ariella benjamin
Sima Leah Mandelbaum
Jennifer Hucul- Glass
In honor of the Millers
Nissan Lebowitz
Chaim Feierman
Sori Schwartz
In honor of My friend Meyer
Andrea Netzer
Jasmine Weg
Chana Bin-Nun
Daniel Kirzner
Ari & Temima Green
Avrom Moshe Josephy
For the recovery of Mina BAs Leah
Aryeh Stern
Esther Simon
Thank you Yitzy for all you do for our son
In honor of Yochanan Gordon
In honor of Hurricane Steve
Tuli Dembitzer
Antonia Martinez
In honor of Isaac Wieder and family
Yehuda Hefter
Marcus Mizrachi
Abraham Herskovitz
Yocheved Knieberg
For the recovery of Avigdor Ben Rivka Sara
Rabbi YY Rubinstein
In honor of Family Ringel
Psachya Lamm
Rivka Molinsky
Menachem Pollack
Yitzi And RIVKY Lubin
In honor of Our dear friends , Menachem and Adina
Chaim Katz
For the recovery of Rachel bas Gratzia
→via Henoch and Mindy Katz
Leiba Esther Fedowitz Fedowitz
Good luck mazal I!!
Seema Selmar
Avi and Leah Begun
Benjamin Wielgus
Nosson Stein
In memory of Yishayahu Yissachar ben Simcha Bunim
Atara G
In honor of The mi
Avraham And Mushkie Maghen
Chesky And Adina Samet
Alisa Schreier
Yaakov Hoch
Avi Steinberg
In honor of The Treitels
In honor of The welders
In honor of Rabbi Weiss
Leay & Yobi Schwartz
For the recovery of All the wounded Chayalim
Marc Lieberstein
In memory of Herb Stolove
Yaakov Hersh
In honor of Raphael Rothberger Petite Pram
Adam Mizrahi
David Abrahamson
Barax Rock!
Louis Greenspan
David Kreinberg
Chesky Joselit
The green girls rock!
Shlomo Feit
Joshua Garbarsky
In honor of Esther Malka Garbarsky
Ely Zweig
Mendy Wiesner
Malka Orner
In honor of Naava Orner
→via Chumi Orner
Dov Wisnicki
In honor of Tali Wieder fl
Susie Hirschel
Shaul And Ita Levine
For the recovery of Benyamin Aharon Ben Nechama Hencha
Ari Green
Yisroel Rimpler
Richard T & Ann B Zamler
In honor of Mr. And Mrs. Eli Langer
Simcha Lebowicz
Yitzi Daskal
→via Motti and Shani Fox
In honor of Rachel Asur
Yanky Itzkowitz
Avi Mandelbaum
Nachy Perlman
Thank you tzvi
Hailey Mittman
In honor of The Gallis Family
Dana and Ori Rackovsky
Chayala Gamzon
Judah Jacobowitz
Esther Halpert
In honor of cheli gallis
Gabriel and Hindy Hershman
Rachel Lowinger
P'nina Rudansky
In honor of R' Bender and R' Neumann
Zachary Singer
Caryn Gallis
In honor of Cheli Gallis
→via Avi and Chani Hauben
Beth Weinstein
Avraham and Elana Schwartz
Jesse Goldberg
Moshe Schreiber
Mordechai Glick
In honor of Reb moshe schrieber
Chevi Fenster
In honor of Rabbi Neuman from a former BYQ student
In honor of Tehila!
Yitzi Burns
In honor of The amazing Rothberger family
Gershon Wise
In honor of Menachem and yocheved
Toby Kinderlehrer
In honor of Yirmiyahu and Chana Reissman
Bevy Baida
In honor of The incredible Meira Hoch
Michael Daniels
Asher Nadler
For the recovery of Chaim Avraham ben Rachel
Boruch & Michal Goldbaum
Ariel And Tehila Goldbaum
Yisroel And Suri Weiner
לעילוי נשמת אברהם בן יעקב לוי
Sippora Pearlman
Ahuva Rosenberg
Mr. Obermeister
In honor of all the תנוקות של בית רבן
Dovid Simcha Bernson
In honor of Nechemia
Simcha Solomon
Solomon Pretter
For the recovery of Rivka bas Chana Sara
Rabbi Michael Green
Refuah Shelema to MENACHEM Mordechai Gershon Ben Bas Ami
Avigayil Scheinerman
Sarah Cohen
Shlomo Schwartz
Bezalel & Rivka Levy
In memory of Bluma Bas Gershon Yitzchok
Deborah and Abbe Dienstag
In honor of Rabbi and Reb. Neuman
Michael Sinyor
David Gorbacz
Menachem and Sharon Petrushka
In honor of Rabbi Nosson Neuman
Robin and Yosef Barrish
In honor of The Sokol Family
Moishie Zicherman
Dovi Edell
In honor of Dov and Mrs Goldman
Yisroel Lieber
Volvi Taub
Eliezer and Avigail Weiss
In honor of the Hefter's awesome cocktails.
Michal Lipsky
Dovid Bain
→via Avi and Rivky Lang
Rivka Gordon
Tobi Bain
Your Little Poni Bz
Tova Goykadosh
Sarah Segal
In honor of My wonderful cousins!
→via Ephraim and Esti Warmberg
Chaim Meister
Susan Gold
In memory of Rav Chaim Ben Moshe abba
Judie & Chaim Hyman
In honor of Gila & Eli Lazar
Aryeh Weiss
In honor of Motty and Shani Fox
Mark Bergmann
Lior & Chaya Elgaoi
Mr. Selmar
Carnella Klausner
In honor of Ariella Schonfeld
Uncle Nachi And Tanta Adina Puderbeutel
In honor of Menachem and adina and Meira!!!
Shmuli and Batsheva Katz
In honor of All of our wonderful girls!
Eileen Fine
In memory of Mere bas R' Nisan Aharon HaCohen v'Moshe ben R'Meyer, on the chodesh of their yahrzeits
Avigail Brown
In honor of Michal Hefter!!!
Naomi Zahav
In honor of Am Yisroel
In honor of Matir Assurim
Rabbi Uri and Mrs Chana Silver
In honor of the Ysffe's, s wonderful dynamic duo!
Rabbi Uri and Chana Silver
Alex Lentz
Rebecca Weiss
In honor of דניאל פנחס. מרים צפורה
Darin Siders
Moshe & Aliza Brustowsky
In honor of Chana miller
Nachi & Devorah Sonnenblick
In honor of The Gross family
In honor of The Shainfeld's persistence
Joel Groden
In honor of The Mogul Tzvi Barax! #EncoreHealthcare
Laylay Gordon
Aviva Eisenberg
In memory of R Baruch Tzvi ben Harav Ephraim Zalman halevi
Elliot Iglicki
In memory of ל׳ע׳ן משה בן צבי יהודה,שרה בת משה,מיכאל בן זונדל,רויזעה שושנה בת יצחק ז׳ל
Aaron Salter
In honor of The amazing Kaplan family
Hadassah and Yosef Weiss
Eli Gewirtz
Leiby Rubin
Josh & Shoni Nagel
In honor of Eli Langer
Adam Licht
May Hashem bless the education on bnos yisrael
Richard Silverman
For the recovery of Cholei Yisroel
Ben And Chani Czeladnicki
In honor of Chanala and Rochel Weinreb
Judy Lieberman
In honor of Elana Lieberman
In memory of Malka Perl bas Yitzchok Yaakov
Irina Kisheeva
Kovy & Yaffa Ludmir
Dov Horowitz
Robert Garber
For the recovery of all the soldiers wounded in Eretz Yisroel
→via Shlomo and Elisheva Trachtenberg
In honor of Mimi! Grateful to have you in my life!
Shmuly (Sean) Hirsch
In honor of The back of the wagon with the besht
Menachem Netzer
st Goldstone
Yaakov Giniger
Abby Fox
In honor of Perri Wiseman
Yehoshua Friedman
Miriam and Ralph Kuropatwa
May you go from strength to strength
Yiddy Werzberger
Yoily and Shaindy Edelstein
Miriam Rosen
In honor of Meir Hoch!!
Aliza Gordon
Yoily And Rechy Weiss
In honor of Eliezer and Avigail Weiss
Leah S
Bernard Davis
Eliezer And Leah Galinsky
In honor of our grandaughter and for the safe return of all the hostages.
Avi Langer
Perri Malek
In honor of Morah Malka From Yehuda b
Yehuda Savitzky
Shmuel Tanenbaum
For the recovery of Aharon Yitzchok ben Chaya Malka
Steven Sax
Naomi and Leiby Zupnik
We are proud to be part of such an important cause!
Chava Bamshad
Yehudis Lovett
B Weinstein
Bubbe Katz
In honor of Liya katz
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs Kivi Fried
In memory of Miriam Perel BAs R Mordechai
Menachem and Yocheved Gewirtz
→via Dovy and Suri Schwadel
Vivienne Melcer
Asher Miller
Yoel Pfeiffer
In honor of DP and the crew
Gershon And Rikki Poss
Raphi and Lani Lesser
Michael Jacobsen
For the recovery of Fradel sora bas shaindel, Sivan shulamis bas Carmella, esther chana bas sharon
Shmuel Jacobs
Isaac Lesser
In honor of Avrami Miller
Jose Miguel Chocano Barros
Jacob Weingarten
In memory of Greena Sarah bas Fisal Pesach
David & Shoshana Lawrence
In honor of Mimi Miller- a true woman of valor
Joel Bernath
In honor of Menashe and Naomi Friedman
Isaac & Sophia Mirwis
In honor of Amazing parents - Yoni & Serena Kahana!!! HaShem should shower you with g'zunt, parnasa, and yiddishe nachas!!!!!
Gershom Levine
Chani Kovitz
Yitzi Patchen
In honor of The best PT one can ask for. Thank you for everything! Tizku L'Mitzvos
Deborah Rosenbaum
In memory of Uncle Davey, Dovid ben Simcha Bunim
Dovid And Hennie Bender
In honor of Yossi and Samantha Wiseman
Yitzchak and Yonina Benasaraf
Devorah Moskowitz
Samantha Wiseman
In honor of Rivki our favorite photographer! In honor of Pacy who ALWAYS gives up his wife to take photos of us Wiseman's. We know we're your FAVORITE client! And we can't wait till September IYH!!!
Naomi Bensoussan
In honor of CHAVS! for pushing this so hard! Really amazing!
AY & Dina Teitelbaum
In honor of RL29 chief paramedic in charge
Akiva and Malia Bergman
Malka Appelbaum
Meir S and Shira Cohen
Rochel Neustadt
Rachamim Kahen
In honor of Rabbi Fachlaev
Sara Rayvych
For the recovery of Shifra bas Chana Dina
In honor of Uncle Meir and Tante Leah...who has taken us Wiseman's under their wings and made us part of their special family. In appreciation for all you have done for Perri at school and Effy at home. We cannot imagine our lives without you
P Fiber
Baruch And Chaya Lovett
Aliza Wartelsky
In honor of Mimi miller & Morah Devor
Yochanan Gordon
Samuel Schwartz
Hedy Sternberg
In honor of Binyamin and Mimi & their precious girls Noemi & Sefi
Nava Nematnejad
Miriam & Tuvia Silverstein
Jack Strulowitz
In honor of Menachem Neumann Hakadosh
Malkie Schorr
In honor of Rabbi Neuman, Mrs. Zytman, and Miss Zytman: Thank you for being role models of chinuch. The world needs more of you!
Yosef and Esti Weiss
In honor of hello pinny uncle rappy misses Judah
Nachman & Nina Mostofsky
In honor of Rabbi Yechezkel & Rebbetzin Chani Moskowitz
Donald J. Trump
In honor of Adam and Mickey. I really love them. They are just fantastic people. This is going to be huge.
Louise Goldman
Yosef Weiss
In honor of Hello pinny and Uncle Rappy misses Judah
Malkala Feller
Keep going strong for the greater cause .
Joel & Gigi Baum
R"S Refael Elimelech ben Miriam
Salamon Family
Aviva Stern
In memory of אהרן יעקב בן חיים נחמן ע"ה
Tania & Amit Friedlander
In honor of Shalom in EY, protection for our chayalim and klal yisroel
Hillel And Alyssa Axelrod
In honor of Morah Elisheva Axelrod who we are so proud of her accomplishments especially enhancing the lives of her Talmidos
Rachayle Salzberg
Michael Yusupov
Avi Hoch
Naomi Weintraub
In honor of The Barax Family
→via Dave and Nechama Melcer
Tziporah Sax
Gila Mutterperl
In memory of Moshe Ben Yechezkel HaKohen
Dasi And David Wettenstein
In honor of Avrami and Sima Hauser
→via Avrumi and Sima Hauser
Yossi Orbach
In honor of Menachem closing on his house in North Woodmere iyh!!
Yehuda Brody
Shuey And Rochel Pomerantz
In honor of our cousins who are role models to us ❤️
In honor of This is your cellmate from Ottesvel prison - You forgot about me. Please send a message via a Yaakov Langer Podcast- Please co-host
Barak Greenfield
Moshe And Ahava Milner
In honor of Rabbi Neuman, Mrs. Zytman, and the entire BYAM family! Thank you for everything!! The Chinuch you provide is stellar and full of warmth! We are so lucky to have BYAM in our community!! BH!!
Elke Bronstein
I'm so mean
Leonid Minkov
Shana and Elliot Gluck
For the recovery of Shprintzah bas Chana (Alma)
Eliana Shajnfeld
Donor #50! Returning the favor! :)
Zev Schuman
In honor of Ephraim Weider
Savta Karsh
Evalee Gross
In honor of Leah Schreiber
Shlomo Plaut
In honor of Binyamin Aranowitz
In memory of aryeh leib naftali hertz ben dovid mendel
Jacob Braun
In honor of Sara Davidson
Yeshaya Monczyk
In memory of יעקב בן אברהם Monczyk
Mechel Greenbaum
In honor of Faige Kobre, Art Teacher
Eva Weiss
Sheya Lundner
Shaindy Klein
In honor of Morah Leiberstein!
Shalom Zirkiev
Chaim Kahn
In honor of A holy brother
Debbie Firestone
It's your husband's page too! NYC DOE Morah's represent 😂
Menachem Greenberg
Avie and Naomi Bachrach
Moshe Stern
Pinky and Hildy Schorr
In honor of The Liebersteins!
David Grumet
In honor of My best friend, R' Yaakov Jaffe
Yaakov Weinberg
Miriam Rokach
Michael Neuman
In memory of Devorah Shira Chaya Bas Yaacov Leib
Adena Muchnik
In memory of Chaya chasya b-s avraham
David Neufeld
In honor of Our dear mechutan Rav Yankel Bender, who cares for the chinuch of every Jewish child
Mendel Abelsky
Nachamah Jacobovits
In memory of Chaya Faigel bas harav Boruch, Tuvia Yoel Ben harav Moshe Yehuda and Mordechai Ben harav Moshe Yehuda
Joshua Hopkovitz
For the recovery of AUNT SARA RUTMAN
In memory of Yaakov Ben Esther
In honor of My most special and long time friend!! You should have loads of nachas! :-)
Gadi Fuchs
Yaakov Raitzik
Shlomo Burger
→via Avraham and Tovah Burger
Eli and Gitty Wasser
In honor of a shidduch for Tzirel Bracha bas Sara Nicha
In honor of Menachem and Adina
Avital Plesh
In honor of Mrs Yaffe❤️
YZ & Aidel
In honor of The wise family
David Hammer
Shlomo Rabinowitz
Daniella and Ari Schwartz
In honor of Rabbi Neuman and the Miller family
Ariel Jeidel
David Lesser
IHO my parents and in laws
Berel And Batya Krug
In honor of our cousins Melech and Chana Leiba berlov
→via Melech and Chana Berlove
Dotan Arusy
In honor of my gorgeous niece ❤️
→via Joshua and Shlomit Diskin
Zev Belsky
In memory of שמחה בערל דוד
Miriam Kirsh
In honor of Amazing neighbors
Avrami Saks
Mendy Cohen
In honor of RL29 and Family for giving so much time to us newbies, and in honor of reb Aaron!
Moshe And Esther Shlomovich
In honor of My mother Morah Deenie and Mrs Kaplan who spend every waking hour focused on the success of the girls at BYAM.
Moshe and Esther Shlomovich
Davi & Eeta Bermanski
In honor of Ayelet Wyner
Tova Rubin
For the recovery of Nir ben Yaffa & Leib Azriel ben Basha
Isaac Richter
Emi Renov
David Friedman
In honor of Lloyd
Tuly and Tzippy Kaplan
In honor of The Wyner family
Miriam Rubin
Yomo & Sari Neumann
In honor of Menachem, Adina, & Meira! Keep up the great work!
In honor of Shoshana's status -I'm not from far Rockaway, but kol Yisrael araevim
Amnon Nissan
Penny Moskowitz
In memory of Chaim ben Yitzchak
Shabsy & Rochie Langsner
Esti Tabibov
In memory of Moshe Simantov Ben Tamara
Moishe Bane
For the recovery of Pesach Betzalel Ben Chaya Batsheva
Willie Salamon
Matthew Sedaghatfar
In honor of R' Michael and Rachel Fachlaev
Moshe Miller
In memory of Yaakov Levi Ben Asher Meir
Elliott Mandelbaum
Joel Yarmak
In honor of Lloyd Keilson
Benz and Shaindy Schwadel
Shmuel & Ariella Englander
In honor of Morah Estie
Yitzhak Berger
Papi Stauber
In honor of My wonderful granddaughter and daughter
Miriam Fuchs
For the recovery of All the chayalim and hostages
Yehuda Zutler
Elaine Gross
In honor of Bayla Gross
In honor of Rivki Horowitz who works so hard for Ateres Miriam
Micky and Emmi Unger
Zesha Auerbach
In memory of אברהם בן יעקב ז"ל
Penina & Scott Feltman
Yechezkel and Esti Buskila
David Aidelson
In honor of Rabbi and Rebetzin Keevy Freid and their heilege family, especially Reenie.
Shaya and Rochel Chafetz
In honor of Yisroel, Adina and of course Chani Chafetz..thanks for all the nachas!!
For the recovery of Shaindel Liba bas Bayla
In memory of Farikha bat Zilpo
Zelda Shanet
Jack Langer
In honor of Moishe Gold
Mayer Heinemann
In honor of All of the amazing BYAM parents of KMT
Elisheva and Yitzi Gross
Arthur Fink
In memory of Reb Yaakov Ben Tzvi Hirsch
Rivkie Yifat
Mikey Wassner
Shlomo Kopelowitz
Dovid Grunwald
Yaakov and Yocheved Lipshitz
Yechiel Zlotnick
Mitchell Spitzer
Emh Consulting
In honor of The Choshuva Rav Meyer!
Mac & Chaya Weinles Weinles
In memory of dov berel ben Yaakov Dovid
Penina Weinberger
Chumi Lerman
In honor of The Kahana Family
Estee Rothstein
In honor of Shira Kaplan from old friends are true friends
Mordechai and Esti Helmreich
In honor of The Miller Family
Nachum Zlotnick
In honor of The Firestone Family!
Josh Justic
Mordechai And Esti Helmreich
Bracha Sebrow
Dina Teichman
Ariela Feder
In honor of Mrs. Deutsch, My best Teacher!!!
Raizy and Aryeh Yanosky
Batsheva Braun
Raizy and Aryeh Yanofsky
Rachel Raz
Shmuel and Chana Galandaur
Pessie Feldhamer
Benny & Mindy Monczyk
For the recovery of Esther Reesa bas Chaya
Yaakov Lamm
Brana Harris
Shani K
In memory of Chaya rivka bas Yaakov elimelech
David Fishman
Roselin Vegh
In honor of Malkie and Elie Langer
Barbara Garfinkel
Benny and Mindy Monczyk
Ron Essebag
In honor of Raizy Pacht
→via Yitzchok and Sara Rivka Pacht
Wilfred Mandelbaum
Moshe Zola
Elliot Pepper
Avromi Wolodarsky
Tzvi and Goldie Katz
Esti And Aron Ackerman
For the recovery of Yosef Eliezer ben Aviva chana aidel
Yitz Rabovsky
Naftali Levy
Mark Messier
In Honor of You & Jake - Best of Luck
Rikki Gordon
In honor of To my nieces Chedva, Racheli, Aliza and Tzipora Gordon
Chava And Tzvi Barax
In honor of Of Morah Kaplan and all the teachers and staff of BYAM! Thank you for your devotion and hard work!
Rosie, Esti, Chedva Sale ;)
In honor of The girls and staff at BYAM
Esther Melcer
In memory of Duba Devorah bas Binyamin
Chaim and Talia Schuss
In honor of Zahava and Dovid Pfeffer
Stanley Treitel
Reuven Gross
Yitzhak Goodman
Alter & Chana Raubvogel
Hatzlacha rabbah!
Tzali & Chana shira Gutman
Ahuva Breuer
Doni Caller
Jodie Collins
Lissy And Yehuda Schwartz
Debbie Jacobi
Eddie Pantiliat
Mark Drachman
Yitzy Kaplowitz
In honor of R Nosson Neuman
Lazer Weiss
In honor of אסתר בת אביחיל
Lydia Shamah
→via Netanell and Sapeer Halevy
Jack Nussbaum
Nirit Jasse
In memory of Yehoshua Horesh zl
Shira Yechieli
Majeski Family Majeski Famly
In honor of Rabbi & Rebitzen Family
Haim and Judy Naamat
In memory of Katzia bay Levy
Shayzee And Shoshana Zlotnick
Not Muchruch
Mordechai Schwed
Shani Weissman
Baruch Kleinman
In honor of All the wonderful byam families
In memory of Yosef ben yaakov tzvi
Moshe and Shani Fogel
Estie Froehlich
Ayalah Jesselson
In honor of Shani and Motti Fox and our exceptional niece Kayli Fox
Daphne Stern
Devorah Benderly
In memory of Avraham Ben Yaakov Halevi
Tzvi Langsam
Natanel Goldman
In honor of My favorite sister Ahuva!
Rabbi Pesach Siegel
In memory of Rabbi Avromy Miller, z"l
Eva Schneider
Dr Yashar And Mrs Perie Hirshaut Fam. Foundation
In honor of Rabbi Moshe and Mrs Leah Schreiber
Debbie And Ami Shetrit
In memory of Avrami Miller z"l
Sarah Leah Septimus
In memory of sarah schneirer
Eli and Rikki Jakubovic
In honor of Ateres Miriam and R' Neuman and all the staff! (And Menachem Neuman)
For the recovery of Rafael Dovid ben Tzipporah Rivka
For the recovery of Rachamim Ben Sara
Fredman Family
In memory of Dovid Mordechai Ben Yosef, Avraham Ben Yaakov Levi, Yaakov Levi Ben Osher Meir
Reuven and Tamar Shoshan
For the recovery of עדינה בת אהובה
Bentzi & Batya Epstein
In honor of The Lieberstein! The most amazing Mechutanim!
Chani and Ely Rosenzveig
Rivki Horowitz
Berish Eichenstein
Chaim Metz
Rabbi Herschel and Miriam Welcher
I honor of Elazar and Elke Bronstein
In honor of Morah Shaindy Klein and Morah Miri Keilson
Monique, Yoel & Bayla Gross
In honor of The Entire BYAM Hanhala & Staff that we have partnered with for the last 11 years, since Bayla was in Nursery.
Tania Weissman
In memory of R'Chaim Shimon Leib ben Zev z"l
Moishe Birnbaum
Mo Goldstein
In honor of In honor of Yisroel!!! First NY boss #legend
Rivka Gittel & Josh Resin
In memory of אברהם בן יעקב לוי
For the recovery of Tamar bas Miriam
Avi Feder
Rafael Abdurachmanov
Sarah Rodkin
Shulem Rosenbaum
Isaac Soleimani
Yonina Neufeld
Raizel Grunberg
In honor of Sammy Sammy Sammy Sammy
In memory of Elisheva Bracha Bas Yerachmiel Moshe
Yisroel Bernstein
Avi Ruchie Stern
In honor of Menachem & Adina. Keep inspiring us
Doodle Doodlewitz
Jacob Levi
Yakov & Dina Morsel
In honor of Rabbi Newman, Morah Deenie and all the teachers.
Jonie Sarf
In memory of R Yehuda Menachem ben R Chaim zL
Dov Keilson
A & E Schultz
Esther R Moscowitz
Nina Bohmstein
Ehud & Esti Kadry
Larissa Steele
Marlene Kriger
In memory of My red repair Bashie
Menachem Katz
Avi and Ayala Gewirtz
For the recovery of Eliyahu Ben Bracha
Harvey Ogun
Rachelle Rohr
Rachel Garbarsky
Shuie and Shani Shaw
Nosson and Sara Liba Tropper
Hatzlocha Rabah!
Benjy & Shaindy Haglili
Shimon and Chanie Kramer
Yechiel & Shoshana Salzberg
In honor of Yossi & Shana Katz!
Shmuel Moscowitz
In memory of Avraham ben Yaakov Halevi
Miriam Levson
In honor of The hard Efforts of the Green Family in helping their school flourish.
Yosef Katz
In honor of Baruch Rothman for being the man behind the curtain
Colin Smith
Elisheva Flink
In memory of Rabbi Chaim Flink
Esther Husarsky
In memory of Miriam bat Osnat
Gail Hoffman
Israel Kaminetsky
Daniel Spector
Pessi Rappaport
Philip Wrotslavsky
Aaron Kreiswirth
In memory of מלכה גיטל בת ברוך אריה לייב
Basya Greenbaum
HM Cohen
In honor of The dedicated Mechanchos!
Yehoshua and Rachel Farkas
In honor of the hostages should all come home
Alan Rosenberg
In honor of Miriam Dvora Miller
Trash Bag Series Biggest Fan
This series is easily the most exciting thing on your status. Please keep it going!!!
Moshe Chaim & Dina Horowitz
Evan Pockriss
In honor of MKY
In honor of Mrs Yaffe and the kiddush Hashem she is always making
Moshe Schepansky
In honor of Yehuda & Mimi Yaffe
Lev Kranzler
Michael Wassner
Chaim Fried
In honor of Duvid Ringel
Malka Kleinman
Chavie Moscovitz
In honor of Nurse Abby and her wonderful family
Leah Freedman
Sholom Goldfeder
Yehuah Aron
In memory of Moshe ben Yehuda Leib
Shoshana Azran
David & Sara Israeli
In memory of Rabbi Moshe Neuman, A"H
Avi & Basi Klein
For the recovery of Menachem Dov ben Rochel Leah
Esti Silverman
Gitti Allman
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Lisa Neuman
Yoel Plutchok
In Honor of Tzvi Barax
Wendy Gerson
Yerachmiel Scheiner
Nathan Amoyelle
In honor of RL29 tzadik!
Sophonie (Sophie) Amesfort
In honor of Perri and her Amazing family
Elisheva Lemel
In honor of Rachel Garbarsky
Moriah & Ahron Nagelberg
Hatzlocha rabba to everyone at BYAM
Layah Green
For the recovery of Faigel bas bina and mirel bas faigel
Shevy Hiley
Sari Newman
Eliyahu & Ariella Babad
Leon Lantsman
Ariel and Elisabeth Halpern
In honor of our granddaughter Racheli Fischer
Andrew Kaplan
Tova And Yumi Knobel
In honor of R' Nussie and Lisa Neuman who are dear friends of our family
Ari And Deena Weinstein
Moshe Caplan
Hakaras Hatov to Rabbi and Mrs Neuman and their entire family and for the safety of our soldiers and hostages.
Pinny Itzkowitz
Raphael & Estie Moller
Perry and Debbie Wyner
Aron Rosenberg
Chana Ross
In memory of Rivkah Shaindel bas Yitzchuk HaLevi
Matty Jager
Hatzalah. In honor of Chana Raziel Kirsh.
Sarah Shidler
For the recovery of Menachem mendel halevi ben danit sara
Esther Langer
Chaim Fleischer
Eli Schwadel
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Mosey Kaplan
Yossi Levine
Aryeh Mezei
Matt and Natasha Neubauer
For the recovery of Tinok ben Miriam
Aryeh & Tziviah Mernick
Manuel Azcona III
In honor of Rabbi Blumenkratz and also my Mother and Father.
Naftali Hanfling
Esti, Rosie, Chedva And Their Stand :)
In honor of All the BYAM girls and their teachers
In memory of Shlomo Zalman ben Avraham Yitzchak
Matthew Neubauer
Chedva, Esti, And Rosie And Their Stand :)
In honor of All the girls in BYAM and the incredible staff!
Miriam & Jeffrey Zuckerman
In honor of BYAM's art program
Zach Orlofsky
In honor of Aryeh and Simi Koegel
Lieba Fischman
In honor of Sarala silverberg
Avrohom Bender
Reuven and Chavi Knobel
Yaakov Reisman
In memory of Bluma bas Gershon Yitzchok
Mendel And Dina Hirsch
In honor of our grandaughter
In honor of The Koegels
In honor of Rabbi Nosson Neuman shlit"a
Joshua Leyton
In honor of Rabbi Neumann
Mark Neuman
In honor of Effy
In honor of Mrs. Lieberstien
Ari Horn
In honor of The staff who continue to show up and care for their students! Thank you for all that you do!!
Aliza S
Manny Zavur
In honor of Klal Yisrael
Leibel & Dina Brill
In honor of Happy Anniversary ;)
Yitzi And tzviki Schwartz
In honor of Rabbi Greenspan
Shmuly & Mindy Glaser
Zev Kops
In honor of Moreinu HaRav Nosson Neuman, a great mechanech with the biggest heart
Shonie Schwartz
Yossi & Chaya Rivky Treitel
In honor of The best 5th grade Teacher!
Yonatan and Shaindy Gerstein
In honor of The future B'nos Yisroel
Shalom Weiss
In honor of Menachem Simcha Avraham ben Dovid A"H
For the recovery of Effie Wiseman
David Davidov
Nachum Schiff
Ayala Abramson
Chaim Bess
Brian Leyton
Lester Katz
Elie and Cindy Becker
Moshe Bain
In memory of R' Yaakov Ben Nosson
Daniel and Dina Kret
Michael Safier
In honor of Tzvi Barax. Tzadik
Mordechai & Shana Jacobs
Joe Golovanoff
In honor of Lekuvod Reb Pintch
Elliott Singrt
In memory of Chaya Rivka bas Yaakov Elimelech
Shmuel & Tehila Berezow
Moshe Fruchthandler
In honor of our heaven niece Sari!!!
Moshe Brody
Lazer And Avigail Weiss
In honor of Morah Leah and Mr Meir who helped our kids read. And walk!
Charles Levine
In honor of EliBoruch and Gila Lazar
Breindy Kenig
In honor of Debbie Firestone! Best Mom Ever!
Daniel and Aviva Parness
Malki Brown
Moshe And Miriam Goldstein
Reuven And Rochele Levine
In honor of The Isaacs family
Reuven and Tamar Lowenthal
In honor of Michael and Rachel Fachlaev
In honor of The Gross family. Thanks for making us your neighbors.
Nechama Stauber
Tanya Kamenetsky
In honor of Gila and Eli. So happy to have you in our life!
Elisheva Steinbok
Dovy & Tamar Neuman
KBH Shul
Joseph Obermeister
In honor of R. Neuman
Sax Family
Yaakov Kressner
Ilan Kranz
In honor of In honor of Atara and Shlomie.
Naomi Katz
Moshe Slansky
Mordechai and Shoshana Miller
In honor of Yochanan Gordon! What you do for the klal is amazing!!!!!
Rachel Zywica-Gelley
Judith Wolkoff
Gaby Bunick
Julie Ackerman
Violeta Kandova
In memory of Mira but Riva
Tziona Wyner
In honor of Itai Ben Avraham and romi bat meirav
Yaron Reich
In memory of Leon Reich
Yitzy Fuchs
In honor of My Dear Friend Rabbi Nosson Neuman
Murray & Chani Friedman
In honor of Aryeh, Simi & Ayala Koegel
Family Levenberg
In honor of The greatest family we know... The Millers!
Doodle Doodle
In honor of Naomi !! And bringing mashiach one nail salon at a time :)
Alan Botwinick
Yitzchak And Faygie Lapp
Emanuel Yunayev
Esti Katzenstein
Yosef Feldman
In honor of Aryeh Koegle
For the recovery of Chaim Abraham Ben shifra zisel
Avraham And Basi Berg
In honor of Zechus refuah shelaima Fraida bas Rivka, a young mother who is in critical condition from pneumonia
Dovi Kohn
Yehudis Gold
Miriam and Yaakov S
Liorra Ezra
Tani & Chana Renov
Ayala Strauss
In memory of Geulis bas Naftoli
Tale as old as time...
Bat-el Rubinoff
Mattie Holtzberg
→via Shlomie and Hindi Friedman
In honor of Shoshana!
Talia Bitterman
In honor of Tova who plays the best ki karov ever!!❤️
Elliot Fruchter
Yehuda Davidowitz
In honor of Doodles the legend
The Ricola Cough Drop Company Switzerland
In honor of The Gordon family
Nechama Sittner
In memory of Baruch Pesachya ben Eliyahu Shraga
Menashe Friedman
In honor of Dove the Legend
Jenna Kessler
In honor of The GADLUS!
Israel Sontag
Shmuel & Michele Jacobs
In honor of Shira & Mosey Kaplan & family
Naomi Schreiber
For the recovery of Efraim Simcha bn Shepsi Rachel
In honor of Devora
Elana Schwartz
Shaina Gutman
Chaya Weinles
For the recovery of Chaim Ben Rochel
Adina Grinblatt
Sharon Zolty
Avrohom Levitin
Shlomo Berkowitz
Simeon Farber
Rosalyn Snitow
In honor of Rabbi Yaakov Bender
Zahava Nussbaum
For the recovery of Moshe Aharon Ben Leah Baila
Blima Steinmetz
In honor of Debbie Firestone who's best mom in the world
Devorah Rand
In honor of The amazing BYAM!!!
Moshe Levitin
Rabbi Mordechai &Devorah Yaffe
In honor of our granddaughter, Elisheva
Adina K
In honor of I'd like to be added to the ex-M4M club. Please and thank you 💗 also, in honor of an incredible teacher, person, and other mother
Tzvi & Donna Warshaw
Rabbi Mordechai & Devora Yaffe
In honor of Our granddaughter, Menucha Yaffe
Dovy And Ruchie Glatzer
In honor of your super cute kids!
Julie Susskind
Henry Klotz
Chanie Drillman
Avital Grabie
Avrohom Semmel
Michael Wittow
In memory of Kayla Rachel bat melech
Provencher Capital
In honor of Debbie and Shoshi
Ahron Rotstein
Rene Gordon
Moshe & Esti Mase
Esther And Yitzy Wax
Abraham Korn
Yehuda Menchel
Chaya Shaps
Shifra Yosopov
Yitzi Sprecher
Chaim Markowitz
Josh & Ari
Rachel Krich
Dina Ganz
Eli & Tsippi Banks
In honor of this epic school
Huda and Chana Aidel Glazer
Galit Kaye
In honor of your super cute kids!!!
Laurie Tusk
In honor of Devora's status 😉
Shoshana Skolnick
In memory of Rabbi Chaim and Rebbetzein Hyman z"l of Rochester NY who sacrificed much to make sure all their children had a strong Jewish Education .
Shlomo Gross
Absolute Auto Leasing
In honor of My good friend Rafi & Huntington Honda
Shoshana Frishman
Chaim Shalom and Rivky Leibowitz
In honor of the BYAM High School Principal and Staff
Yosef & Chavi Coleman
Yehuda Kagan
Malka Oppenheimer
Esther Bauman
In memory of reuven tzvi z'l ben menachem yitzchak
Yehuda And Zahava Davidowitz
→via Zali and Sarah Ritholtz
Chaim & Tamara Thaler
Neshama Fedowitz
Yehuda and Dina Kramer
In honor of Malka and Srully Wolfson
Chaya G Gold
In honor of awesome Liebersteins
Sharona Litwin
Keep up the good work, Elianna.
In honor of Menachem and Yocheved Wise
Yisroel Bodkins
In honor of My Cousin Yossi who I look up to and very proud of
Mitchell Hammer
In honor of "The Gardener" (and his Gantza Mishpacha)
Dovid Ratner
Gitty Horowitz
Shlomo Urbach
Yehuda And Yehudis Rosenblum
In honor of Yossi Wiseman
Chaya Leah Fuchs
Payam Kashani
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs Neuman
Sara Kaplan
Max And Jill Rudansky
In honor of Ayelet Wyner, all the great staff and students
Avi and Dawn Goldstein
Tzivi Azose
In honor of All my girls who learn and grow in Ateres Miriam!
Dovid & Morgan Gerber
In honor of Rabbi Neuman, Yisroel,NRP and the Amazing Adina for all they do for the community !!
Jeremy Lederer
In honor of The torah being transmitted to the next generations of mothers in Klal Yisroel
In honor of A warm and special school
Aaron Martin
Avrohom Union
Yaakov Barzideh
Eliyahu Spirn
Mark and Debi Gold
For the recovery of Aliza Shoshana Bas Chaya Toba and Necha Chaya Toba Bas Rochelle Zissel
Ephraim Weiss
Amanda Aroose Azerad
In honor of Avigail Weiss !
In honor of Rabbi Neuman, Mrs. Zytman, and the entire BYAM family! Thank you for everything!! Tzivi, we are so proud of you!
→via Avraham and Hadasa Milner
Gene Stevens
In honor of Keevy Fried and his Mishpacha
Levi Goldwasser
In memory of Rafael Chaim Tzvi ben Yehuda Baruch
Miriam Kleiman Chefetz
In honor of rabbi yankle bender
Esti Zuroff
For the recovery of All the injured soldiers and return of all hostages and soldiers safely!!! IYH!!
Benjamin Kolangi
Raphy Kohanteb
Chaim & Elana Grunberg
Leah Brody
Dovid Akerman
Shmuli And Elana Soroka
Jacob Shulman
In memory of יעקב צבי בן משה שמואל שווארץ
→via Imanuel and Mariya Fuzailov
David and Debby Sheffey
In memory of Ilse Samuel
Joel Bodner
Steven and Tammy Alter
Naftali and Chana Schuss
In honor of morah bobby deenie!!!!!!
Stephen Goldberg
Jason Hirsch
In memory of Mordechai Yosef B"R Avraham Aharon Bergson
Yudi Hochheiser
Aliza and Lee Braverman
Malki Schuler
Sheldon Gross
Michael Aryeh
Chaya and Dovid Nussbaum
Reena Belsky
Consider this a thank you for being an incredible teacher and one of my favorites :)
Bracha Henna Nochlin
In honor of Miss Garrel who spends hours of time making her class enjoyable so that the students will want to learn. She spends time making songs and activities to make it exciting. Keep it up!
Yonah Mernick
Meir Tauber & Integra Scripts
Pia Malinowitz
In honor of Chani Hauben
Menajem Salamon
In honor of Mr Gordon
Moshe Alpert
Judith Svarc
For the recovery of SARA BLIMA BAS LEAH CHANA
Susan Herzog
For the recovery of all cholei Yisroel and in honor of Rabbi Bender
Ephraim Perlstein
In honor of Fox Family
Shmuel Stern
Dovid And Layah Pinter
In honor of The amazing staff who continued to teach despite not getting paid. Kol Hakavod
Avi & Shoshie Barasch
Isaac Wealcatch
In honor of Rabbi Meyer Weitman & Rabbi Bender
Rivky Alpert
Kol hakavod!
Beverly & Henry Schachar
Rachelle and Jeff Neuman
In honor of my grandchildren
In memory of Shoshana tova bas reb elchanan
For the recovery of CB ben E
Michael Wiener
Yehudah & Huvi Brodie
Dani Ellenberg
Judit Katz
In memory of Osher Lemel ben Isser Zev
Jonathan Newman
In honor of Isaac Weider and Moshe Schoenfeld!
Robert Miller
In memory of Chana Malka bas Meir
Chaim Lazar
In honor of M/M Eli Bourch Lazar
In memory of Contr. l'ilui nishmas Tziporah bas Peretz z'l
Esther L Rothman
For the recovery of Adam Hakohen Ben Miriam
Chaim & Risa Gross
Yaakov And Sarochel Rabinowitz
In memory of מרדכי בן בנימין זאב
In honor of The top 4 guy out there and ira
Danielle Zharnest
Suzanne Feit
Aryeh Robinson
Akiva Daitchman
In honor of Gavriel Simcha Daitchman A"H
Reuven and Rochele Levine
In honor of The trachtenberg family!!!!
In honor of the incredible support staff at BYAM.
In honor of Amazing Byam students
In memory of HaRav Yekusiel Yehudah b Tzvi Hersh
Shlomo Hamada
In memory of לע"נ פייגע גיטל בת יעקב ברוך עה
Yael Rendler
Aryeh Stone
David Schulman
In memory of Mordechai ben Refael
Rivki Birnbaum
Yaakov Bienstock
Elliot And Elana Fuchs
Tzvi Dov & Shaina Winter
For the recovery of Pessel Leah bas Nettie, b'soch shaar cholei Yisroel
Steven Mendel
Yaakov Schmukler
In memory of Chana bas Getzel Menashe
Rb Moskovitz
Elaine and Yossi Farber
Ramy&Esther Agadi
In memory of Eliyahu ben Moshe and Aghdas Chaya bat Sara
Shimon Dachs
in honor of Rabbi Newman
Yitz & Aviva Mendlowitz
Esther Zions
Adina Salamon
For the recovery of Chaim yehoshua Ben Hendel
Yosef & Chavie Hertz
Raphael Vilinsky
Yaakov Levitin
David Gottlieb
Yakov & Esther Bronsteyn
Aryeh & Mimi Moskowitz
Shalom Horowitz
In memory of chaim ezriel ben shmuel shmelke hakohen
In honor of Zchus for a shidduch for Ari S.
In memory of shaindel rivka bas shalom halevy
Elazar Goldberg
Benyomin Richmond
Chesky Weiss
Avi & Mirie Lazar
Hillel Tendler
Chaim Bernstein
Dovid and Chana Lederman
Alex Medjuck
For the recovery of D'vora bas Henna Zlota בתוך שאר חולי ישראל and all who desperately need Yeshuos. And in honor of Rabbi Bender.
Tzivia Cohen
Shani Devor
In memory of Yitzchok Elimelech ben Shlomo
Zev Tendler
Shabsi Fixler
Marc Diener
Brocha Ber8
In honor of Rabbi bender
Avi Feldman
David Schattner
Hal Frechter
Shaindy Appelbaum
In memory of zelda bas ephraim A"H
Dovid Roll
Avrohom Greenfield
Daniel Friedman
Michael Rosenberg
Chaya Drucker
In memory of Chava bas Eliezer
D Nierenberg
Yael Goldfarb
Greta Freund
Chaim & RS Gewirtzman
Dov Finman
For the recovery of Chaya Rivka bas Shulamis Esther Ettel
In memory of Henoch ben Avraham and Leba bas Mordechai
Eitan & Naomi Agbashoff
Judah Zelmanovitz
Yaakov and Atara Serle
William Markowitz
Meir Strobel
In honor of The amazing achdus of Klal Yisroel Apparent in thsi campaign
Uri Zutler
Chaim Reisman
Naftali Landau
In honor of The amazing school BYAM and the amazing chinuch they give our community every single day.
Document Breuer
In memory of Shlomo Yisroel Ben harav Yehuda Aryeh
Steven Vogel
Moshe Wiener
Leslie Sklar
Rena And Shlomo Feldman
In honor of Mrs. Ruchie Sokoloff
Moshe Aaron & Tzipi Fisher
Moshe Benoliel
In honor of Rabbi Y Bender
Naftoli Kolodny
Joshua Kronick
Yisroel Lamm
In memory of ר׳ צבי הערש בן ר׳ משה ישראל ז"ל
Oshrah Halevy
Yitzy Schwartz
In memory of יעקב מיכאל בן החבר ישראל
Noa Brodman
Yonina Slam
Chaya Sara, keep up your avodas hakodesh!!
Tova Chait
In honor of Malka and srully wolfson
Debbie Fenichel
Shauli and Reena Karsh Karsh
Efraim Shalom & Shana
In honor of The best Uncle and Aunt two blocks removed!!
For the recovery of Rafael yitzchak
Shaya Baum
In honor of Mr. And Mrs. Tzvi Barax and all the care and devotion you have for your students and chinuch.
For the recovery of Avraham Aba Ben Sheindel
Avraham Fachlaev
In honor of Michael Fachlaev
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Greenspan and all their amazingness.
Shana Hoffman
Stoll Family
In honor of All of Byam staff
Sarah Stolper
In honor of The Polatoffs!
Menachem and Yonina Neufeld
Mike & Naamah Aisenbaum
We love Meyer ❤️
Mindy Walfish
In honor of All the hard working teachers!
Binyamin Itzkowitz
Yoel Kivelevitz
Joel Jacobson
Rikki & Yitzy Kaplan
In honor of The Best (Girls) School!
Aryeh Kunstler
In honor of Zalmy and Chanie Treitel
In honor of Rafi and Gitty!
Chaya and Hillel Soberman
In honor of Rochel Leah Soberman
Basya Blaney
Joseph Aryeh
Dovid Katz
Tzvi Sherman
#1 Teacher!!! Keep it up Chaya Sora!!! Hatzlacha on all that you do!!!!
Adam and Michal Mayer
In honor of Rabbi Neuman and Mrs Zytman.
In memory of Leib Ber Yaakov Ben Chaim Zev HaCohen
David & Simi Greenbaum
In memory of דבורה שרה בת אסרהם צבי
Rochel Leah Kranczer
Simcha Oppen
Molly Soberman
Sean Sinnreich
Ephraim Max
Aryeh Dachs
In honor of Lazer I was going to anyway.. really.. thank you tizku l'mitzvos
Richie Grossman
Dovi & Diana Safier
Shaya Singer
Lisa Kirsh
Mo And Feigi Biegeleisen
Esther Liba and Sruly Singer
Sruly and Esther Liba Singer
Ethan Kra
Ruth Moskowitz
Esther Liba And Sruly Singer
Yehuda Schuck
For the recovery of Hurricane Steve. Also was gonna give 18 but you called me so you get more
Raizy Beren
For the recovery of Gittel Zissel has Rachel
Shoshana and Yehuda Fein
Yussie and Gitty Sokoloff
In honor of Mrs. Sokoloff
Minky Lowinger
In memory of Shlomo Ben Avraham pinchos Halevi
Shragi and Riki Chafetz
Hudi And Kayla Miller
In honor of Chana's attorney- rabbi Neuman and the memory of my father - r' yaakov miller
Adina Waldman
Yitzi And Tammy Jacobs
Shmuly Bakst
Dovid Fischer
In honor of BOSTON STRONG!!!
Sheila And Alan Shapiro
Sharon Franko
In honor of The Geula
Daniel Aaron
In memory of Itamar Tzvi Ben Yaakov
Judah Schuster
Shaima and Shira Goldberg
In honor of The Dedicated Teachers
In honor of Help From The Heart In honor of YossiWiseman
David Nisanov
In honor of Donation
→via Moshe and Hadassah Abramov
In honor of Perri Weisman and her incredible parents
Shimmy Katz
Av Rodin
In honor of Bud "Dallas" Shawel and Family
Tully Weiss
Baruch Munk
Ari Munk
Meir Ettlinger
In honor of David the great
Adina Derdik
In honor of My amazing friend sara;)
For the recovery of Rafael Itzchak
In honor of The teachers
Rob Friedman
In honor of Eli and Malkie Langer, very special people and dear friends
Simcha Miller
In memory of אברהם בן יעקב לוי, יעקב לוי בן אשר מאיר
Dave Levine
Devorah Saks
In memory of Joseph saks
Raphael Katzenstein
In honor of Reb Yossi Wiseman
→via Yochanan and Rita Eisenbach
Devorah Kirsh
Meira Mandel
Sima Itzkowitz
Shmuel and Esther Sherman
Yaakov and Batsheva Bennett
In honor of The beloved Yaffe Family. We miss you!!
Faygie & Zvi Bokow
Moshe Czapnik
Isaac Ekstein
In honor of David Skolnick
Benny Garfunkel
In honor of This is for not going challah baking :)iykyk
Ay and Molly Karsh
Levy Friedman
In honor of dovid skolnick -RL-29
Moshe Ruchelsman
→via Eli and Marin Herman
Elisha Gewirtz
In honor of Dovid Skolnick
Pinny Werner
In memory of Mr dov
In memory of Menashe Dovid ben Yosef and in honor of Malka W
Dovid and Ahuva Skolnick
IHO Yisroel and Adina Chafetz
Jack Koschitzki
Eliyahu Lerer
In honor of Every goal AK scored off NF
Yitzie and Zahava Rosenbaum
In honor of Eli and Gila Lazar
Yehuda Freeman
Green Family
Abraham Bergman
Shea Greenfeld
In honor of Mr & Mrs David Skolnick
Aharon Braun
Moti Sambrowsky
In honor of Rabbi Dr Eli Lutz
YS & NY Fruchter
Naomi Vainer
For the recovery of Emuna Chava bas sima bracha
Yoav Taub
Sendy Hammond
Adeena Penner
In honor of Our amazing neighbors- Mimi and Hudi Yaffe
Eli Perl
Yaron Markfeld
Tirzah Leah Sirotkin
Lesya Bitton
In honor of Morah Rivky!!
David Samuels
Aaron Kasper
Tova Grumet
Yisroel Ber and Avigail Falik
In honor of The best parents!!!
Abram Yakubov
Richard & Lori McCrossin
In honor of Bring them home 🇮🇱
Yaakov & Shayna Kaweblum
Abe Zilberberg
In Honor of RL29 and all he does for the Klal
Heshy And Susi Sobel
Frank Menlo
Abby Levy
In honor of NINA
Don Miller
Gedalia Klein
In honor of David Efroymson
In honor of Nice to meet you too!!!
Mordechai Brecher
Shuie And Rachaeli Hochheiser
In honor of Reenie Fried!
Danielle & Shelby Rosenberg
In memory of Lee Wallach
MD and Shani Goodman
In honor of Mrs. Lieberstein and her excellent Siach Yitzchok colleagues and staff
Fay Manheimer
Naomi Nachman
In honor of Your favorite son in law who doesn't have what's app
Risa Lewin
In honor of The best babysitter out there!
Chaim & Faige Friedland
In honor of The Treital Family! Libby, we're so proud of you!
In honor of Looch
Loretta Conroy
In honor of Debbie Firestone my wonderful friend
Yakov Kirsh
Benjamin Gross
S Skier
In honor of Our old neighbors The Shajnfelds! And Rabbi Nueman whose always been a pillar of chinuch for klal yisroel
Chumi Braun
Abie Hamui
Sarah Goldenberg
In honor of The green family
Shlomo Sterzer
For the recovery of all of the injured soldiers and hostages
Aliza And Rafael Bokow
Tova Blander
Tzvi Griner
Heshy Breuer
In honor of Harav Weiss
Cirri Shafran
Aaron Akhavan
In honor of Dr. Eli Lutz
Effy Deutsch
David Pine
In honor of Rochel Vinagray and family
Eliyahu Babad
In honor of IHO the Mayer Family
Ayalah (Ariel) Lebowicz
In honor of IHO the Barax Family
Shaindy Davis
In honor of Perri and her awesome family!!❤️
Robert Wright
In honor of Tsafrir and Hila Stern
David Rubinoff
In honor of Rachel and Michael Fachlaev
In honor of Rabbi Yehuda yaffe
Sarah Casden
In memory of Rabbi Moshe Neuman
In honor of The Zehavi family
Rabbi & Mrs. Menachem Nissel
In honor of Mimi Yaffe for her tremendous dedication to her students!
Susi & Jacqui Zolty
In honor of Shlomit & Yehoshua
Shimon and Sheri Katz
In honor of Pacy and Rivki Horowitz
In honor of Rachel Messner
Shmuel Herman
Daniel Jaroslawicz
Tova Blumenfeld
Yachiel Iskhakov
Avraham & Khana Zavulunov
In memory of Miriem bat osnat
Abi Goldenberg
Steven Zauderer
In honor of Rabbi Mosey Kaplan
In honor of Dov
Rafael Bokow
Mordechai Mendlowitz
Yisroel and Miriam Husarsky
In honor of Naomi and Menashe
Zehavit Mandelbaum
Yitzchok Kramer
Yechiel Zahav
Chaya Hecht
In honor of Miriam and Dovid Epstein
In honor of Tali Rothberger
In honor of Chani Chafetz
Shira Kirshenbaum
In honor of Tamar Mayer and family :)
Basi Shenker
In honor of Debbi Firestone
Dani Locker
Yossi Shajnfeld
Aaron Lang
Binyomin Schwartz
In honor of Raizy Werner
→via Raizy Werner
Dini Levin
For my special long time friend Ruchie !!
Alexander Schwed
Temmy Bernstein
In honor of Effy and Mrs G's challah and Perri and Motty and Yitzy. did I forget anyone? Oh - paw patrol!!
Rachel and Tehila Isaacs
In honor of our niece Chava Isaacs
Joseph Ruth Ludmir
Chani Sobel
Avner Yunayev
In honor of Shimoni Family
Lezer Weiss
→via Yoel and Yael Karpen
Tzvi Keilson
In honor of In Honor of Mr. Lloyd Keilson for all of his hard work and in honor of Mr. Shmuel Katz
In honor of Our dear neighbor
Mala Goldberg
In honor of Adina & Shmuly Selmar
Benjy & Miriam Hersh
Paula Friedman
Dassie & Ari Fuchs
Aharon Guttman
In honor of RL29 Mrs RL29 and Trump
Bernard Werner
For the recovery of Menachum's dignity
Moe Norowitz
Much Hatzlachah!
Jeffrey Lew
Yitty Lebowitz
Batsheva Kramer
In honor of Adina and Shmuli Selmar
Minna Fishman
In honor of Shmuley and Adina
Efraim Weiss
Shloime Bochner
Elisheva Baum
In memory of Sara bat yaakov
Meir F Yossi You Rock
Yossi I think you know who I am but if not ask shmuel L
Yudi & Ellie Riesel
For the recovery of Shaul ben Rivka Leah
Fellow 5t Mdyer
Ari Dorfberger
Yitzie And Ruchie Isaacs
In honor of Chava's wonderful school
Asher Albaz
Miriam Berkovsky
Chana Orlansky
In honor of Mrs. Wiseman for always being there for my boys ☺️
Max Lowy
In honor of Abraham Burger
Menachem & Tobi Kleinman
Yehuda Cohen
In honor of Rabbi Moshe Brody
Gavriel & Ilana Pilevsky
In honor of Greenspan family
Henya Feiglin
For Brana and Bina!!! Hope this amazing school is around for Rookie! Love you Harris family💕
Eliyahu and Leah Gulkowitz
In honor of The Aderes HaTorah Yarchei Kallah 2024
Meir Cafri
In honor of Shmuli and Batsheva Katz, thank you for all you do for the community!
Samuel Shrago
Jonathan Soffer
In honor of Shaya Gottleib
Pnina Rottman
Shimi And Dina Erenthal
In honor of Mr. And Mrs. Menasha Landau. Keep up the holy work!
Yona Chandally
In honor of Sapeer and Netanell Halevy
Charlotte Levy
In honor of Malka, Srully, Naomi, Azriel & Temimah- keep brightening this world. Zchus for Dovid Aryeh ben Leah
Chavie Taibi
Rivky Morel
Aitan Weinberg
In memory of אליהו בן אברהם
Shmuli Mayer
In honor of David Epstein - a true gentleman and mensch. Proud to call him a friend
Evan Lahasky
Devorah Wachsler
In honor of The Salmar Family
Eli & Paloma Gefen
In honor of The dedicated staff @ BYAM
Bruchie Klein
Ben Kerstein
Bitachon All Day
Mommy And Totty Wise
Chava Stolper
In honor of Baby Ahuva
Mark Menzelefsky
A Bergida
In honor of Tali Weider
Ezra and Tammy Nissanian
Isaac Wiener
In honor of Mrs Pinch!
Chaim Sweet
In memory of דינה בת חיים אהרן
Yehuda Dembitzer
Yitzchok Wiener
In honor of Mosey kaplan
Allen Koss
Dvorah Seidenfeld
In memory of Shlomo Zalman Ben Avraham Yitzchak
Soshy Hirth
Aaron Deutsch
In honor of Menachem Neuman
Esti Hill
Rochel Schultz
Yoni Eisenbach
Yaakov Minzer